Inland West Mission Center

Camping Funds

Supporting Our Children and Youth Through the YES Fund
Thank you for your generous contributions to the mission center’s Youth Empowerment Support Fund (YES Fund). The YES Fund was established to help youth and children throughout the mission center to be able to attend camps/reunions/retreats, Spectacular, and other approved activities. YES Funds help by sharing the cost of a child’s or youth’s registration fees and travel expenses. For many years we have been able to cover all of the airfare for Inland West MC SPEC participants.


The balance in the YES Fund $5,372.43 as of December, 2023.

Mission Center Fundraising Goal for 2023 is to increase fund to $10,000.00.

Contributions to the YES Fund can be made in 2 ways:

through your congregation - mark your checks for “YES Fund” and your Congregational Financial Officer (CFO) will forward the money to the Mission Center Office

Through E-Tithing, select the Inland West Mission Center – YES Fund

Ways you can give to the YES Fund:

  • Make an Honor or Memorial Gift on behalf of a loved one.
  • Have a congregational or group fundraiser.

Thank you for your help in supporting our youth and children. 

This fund is administered by the Mission Center.
Any questions please contact Sandy Decker at
​See the YES Fund Policy.

Inland West Mission Center Camping Fund

This year for the first time we were able to draw from our newly funded Inland West Mission Center Camping fund to support our Mission Center Events. At the beginning of the summer, we withdrew 2% of the funds currently in the Camping Fund investment account. This amount totaled $14,095.00. There has been enough interest earned on this account to cover that withdrawal so the principal was not touched. We were able to support several events through subsidies on a per camper basis or by covering cost of a portion of the event.

These are the events the fund supported:

$ 700.00 Rocky Mountain Mission Center Youth Camp - support of 7 youth to attend

1,973.79 Red Cliffe Reunion – Cooks’ Salary and expenses paid. Red Cliffe Reunion also was supported by free use of campground (free camper days) as part of the campground sale.

3,022.57 Samish Island Reunion supported through reduced registration fee

822.51 Samish Island Campground purchase of fans for the Christian Fellowship Center

3,700.00 Samish Island Campground to refurbish of one rustic cabin

547.80 Women’s Retreat – guest ministry expense paid

1,200.00 Whitehall Retreat supported by reduced registration fee

$ 11,966.67 Total used from Camping Fund in 2023

The plan in 2024 is to again withdraw an amount up to 2% from the investment account depending on the need. This will be added to the funds leftover from 2023. We will continue to explore ways that events throughout the Mission Center can be supported through the camping fund. We are very grateful for this fund that was established when Camp Cascade was sold.


Women's Retreat 2023, Camp Red Cliffe